info* Methodologies

* Performative

processes in progression



<* Coffee subject

in times of tutorial sin - imprinting with coffee ~ imprint archive

Researchers presumed the future to be coffee colored skins. Saturations of these in materials and objects.

Conversations around the coffee stains and coffee readings. An indigenous practice in many places.

  at times Various interviews around coffee reading and having a coffee.
let kiss magazine virtualcoffee session with Uwe Buschmann performative studio


<*Dying Traditions

the process in the hand made, the fingerprint

a mistake made. Not deleted.copy repetition
representations of the blooms leaves an
imprint, stains, irrational traces, separating
the pure from the impure. Nature stains
human culture with its embellishments.
Using the flower as the subject changes
an object. Ice dye, bleech dye, imprinting techniques

<*imprint - archive in bloom


In bloom in the living room is a reflection of the daily struggle with life's demands. Life wither's.

This communicated by destroying existing flowers that act as building material for ornamentation and matter..

The body the space the living room ~embedding or illustrating nature it imitates how we see and perceive natures characteristics.

The Botanical



- mehendi writing on skin embedded messages of healing and ancient words, publication on skin flowers 2021 IN- performative film 2013 mehendi skin, hybrid skin project walkin studio bangalore IN

In the orange nature imprint of traditionaly applied mehendi/henna for skin.From the leaves to dry to apply. Cooling, healing, revitalizing,in form of procession, ceremonial writings on skin

embedded messages in healing and ancient words of practice. In the grass making pulp pudding from plants and drawing from this.

<*future skins

spaciality upon researched - data something defines your home, work and others

Are they mapping the data to the insides of us interior and exteriors all pinged in metadata, spaciality


<*the Unexpected Nature/ ~spicekabinet of India

In the nature of the Unexpected. The residency informed the process and the process is the product.

Nature was infused between the fabrics and bathed with showing unexpected results; from bleech to dye.

In performance the baths where heated and dipped with different fabrics that where extracted from vegetable peels, seeds/spices and fruit skins.

- The Nature Of the UnexpectedKHOJ INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS' ASSOCIATION-Performance at Residency

selections explored in progressions of nature



Interrogation nature-4 wallpapers and film interrigating wild versus the cultivated flowers in pattern,taste,smell and memory.

Performative installation india art fair -pulp soceity new delhi.


<* Flower read

The Interrogating nature of flowerreading. Comes with certain choices:; temporary or lasting, consumable/non-consumable, no smell- frangrance & depicting color versus choice

of flower in a questionair into natures characteristics. How to imprint a flower.- performative installation;

Particpants imprinted and or consumed flowers depending on the dependency of choice.








-In Bloom, MA Contextual Design, graduation show design week NL, Design Academy, witte dame/ Eindhoven, NL- In Bloom, fabrics/wallpapers, Van Abbe Museum, selected for the materialprize Eindhoven/ NL 2012

- In Bloom, commissioned collection, private collection Anthropologie New York/ US 2012- In Bloom, fabrics and wallflowers and compoundbricks and ascertain films of the making, Biodesign; On the Cross-Pollination of Nature, Science and Creativity, NAI Rotterdam/ NL 2014- ImPrint archive, walking studios, performative nature, 2019- In bloom- imprint archive,

-- work in progress , photography /embroidery of light -videos metadata and digital fingerprints commissioned work 2022/23

-the imprint archive- handkerchiefs and tissues 32 tiled, resin polymer, 2020 groups show India Art fair~ Imprint after and per formative nature interrogation meal India Art Fair, Pulp society,
New Delhi, Handkerchiefs and Imprint Archive.= flowerlab

- 2022- - The imprinted handkerchiefs and tissues are crated in an ongoing archive where residues of materials are encapsulated in resins with pigments and milk. CKP Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath Bangalore

-for speculative future; the future will be coffee colored- Khoj Artist in Residency- Art and fashion 2013

- research fashion colors in India- 28 States, Hybrid Skin, Design Academy, witte dame/ Eindhoven

- Dying traditions- performance- walkin studios Bangalore, IN

- Flowermeal ~ memory bar-young collectors flowermeal, process in performance- pulp soceity, India Art fair, Curated by Sitara Chowfla New delhi 2020 IN- ~sponsered flowerbeer project and research by Biera and Pulp Society IN- imprintarchive , in bloom wallpapers, handkerchiefs and tissues, flower and its imprints IN



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